COS Science Papers:
- Yangsen Yao, J. Michael Shull, Charles W. Danforth, 2011
"A High-Metallicity High Velocity Cloud along the MRK 421 Sight Line: A Tracer of Complex M?", 2011, ApJ, 728, L16
- Winter, L. M., Danforth C., Vasudevan R., Brandt W. N., Scott J., Froning C., Keeney B., Shull J. M., Penton S., Mushotzky R., Schneider D. P., Arav N. 2011
"Ultraviolet and X-ray Variability of the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy Markarian 817", 2011, ApJ, 728, L16
- Yangsen Yao, J. Michael Shull, Charles W. Danforth, Brian A. Keeney, John T. Stocke, 2011
"Multiple Absorption-line Spectroscopy of the Intergalactic Medium", 2011, ApJ, 730
- Smith, B., Hallman, E. J., Shull, J. M., O'Shea, B.W., 2011
"The Nature of the Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium. I. Numerical Methods, Convergence, and O VI Absorption", ApJ 731, 2011
- Anand Narayanan, Bart P. Wakker, Blair D. Savage, Brian A. Keeney, J. Michael Shull, John T. Stocke, Kenneth R. Sembach 2010,
"Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and FUSE Observations of T ~ 10^5 K Gas In A Nearby Galaxy Filament",
ApJ August 2010
- Dufour P., Béland S., Fontaine G., Chayer P., Bergeron P., 2011
"Taking Advantage of the COS Time-Tag Capability: Observations of Pulsating Hot DQ White Dwarfs and Discovery of a New One", 2011, ApJ Letters, (accepted, in press 2011)
- Shull, J. M., France, K., Danforth, C.W., Smith, B., Tumlinson, J. 2010,
"Hubble/COS Observations of the Quasar HE 2347-4342: Probing the Epoch of He II Patchy Reionization at Redshifts z = 2.4-2.9", ApJ 722, 2010
- Anand Narayanan, Blair D. Savage, Bart P. Wakker, Charles W. Danforth, Yangsen Yao, Brian A. Keeney, J. Michael Shull,
Kenneth R. Sembach, Cynthia S. Froning, James C. Green 2010,
ApJ Submitted August 2010
- Limin Song, Todd M. Tripp, Q. Daniel Wang, Yangsen Yao, Wei Cui, Yongquan Xue, Jerome A. Orosz, Danny Steeghs, James F. Steiner,
Manuel A. P. Torres, Jeffrey E. McClintock 2010,
ApJ 140:794-803, 2010 September
- Danforth, Charles W.; Keeney, Brian A.; Stocke, John T.; Shull, J. Michael; Yao, Yangsen, 2010,
"HST/COS Observations of the Ly alpha Forest toward the BL Lac Object 1ES1553+113",
ApJ Submitted 2010
- B. D. Savage, A. Narayanan, B. P. Wakker, J. T. Stocke, B. A. Keeney, J. M. Shull, K. R. Sembach, Y. Yao, C., J. Green, 2010,
"O VI Absorbers Tracing Hot Gas Associated with a Pair of Galaxies at z=0.167",
2010, ApJ, 719
- Linsky, J.L., Yang, H., France, K., Froning, C.S., Green, J.C., Stocke, J.T., Osterman, S.N. 2010,
"Observations of Mass Loss from the Transiting Exoplanet HD 209458b",
2010, ApJ, 717, 1291
- France, K., Linsky, J.L., Brown, A., Froning, C.S. 2010,
"Metal Depletion and Warm H2 in the Brown Dwarf 2M1207 Accretion Disk",
2010, ApJ, 715, 596
- Evans, C. J.; Walborn, N. R.; Crowther, P. A.; Hénault-Brunet, V.; Massa, D.; Taylor, W. D.; Howarth, I. D.; Sana, H.;
Lennon, D. J.; van Loon, J. Th., 2010,
"A Massive Runaway Star from 30 Doradus",
2010, ApJ, 715, 74E
- Fossati, L.; Haswell, C. A.; Froning, C. S.; Hebb, L.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U.; Helling, Ch.; Carter, A.; Wheatley, P.;
Cameron, A. C.; Loeillet, B.; Pollacco, D.; Street, R.; Stempels, H. C.; Simpson, E.; Udry, S.; Joshi, Y. C.; West, R. G.;
Skillen, I.; Wilson, D., 2010,
"Metals in the Exosphere of the Highly Irradiated Planet WASP-12b",
2010, ApJ, 714, 222
- France, K., Beasley, M., Keeney, B.A., Danforth, C.W., Froning, C.S., Green, J.C., Shull, J.M. 2009,
"Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Observations of
the Chemical Composition of SNR LMC N132D",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 707, Issue 1, pp. L27-L31 (2009)
- France, K., Stocke, J.T, Yang, H., Linsky, J.L., Wolven, B.C., Froning, C.S., Green, J.C., and Osterman, S.N., 2010,
"Searching for Far-Ultraviolet Auroral/Dayglow
Emission from HD209458b with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
The Astrophysical Journal, 712, 2010)
- Danforth, C., Stocke, J. & Shull, J.M. 2010,
"Broad HI Absorbers as Metallicity-Independent
Tracers of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium",
The Astrophysical Journal, 710, 2010
- Lehner, N., Howk, J.C. 2010,
"Origin(s) of the Highly Ionized High-Velocity Clouds
Based on Their Distances",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 709, 2010
- McCandliss, S.R., France, K., Osterman, S.N., Green, J.C., McPhate, J.B., Wilkinson, E., 2010,
"Far-UV sensitivity of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 709, 2010
COS Science & Mission Related Papers:
- S. Osterman, J. Green, C. Froning, S. Béland, E. Burgh, K. France, S.Penton, T. Delker, D. Ebbets, D. Sahnow,
J. Bacinski, R. Kimble, J. Andrews, E. Wilkinson, J. McPhate, O. Siegmund, T. Ake, A. Aloisi, C. Biagetti, R. Diaz, W. Dixon,
S. Friedman, P. Ghavamian, P. Goudfrooij, G. Hartig, C. Keyes, D. Lennon, D. Massa, S. Niemi, C. Oliveira, R. Osten,
C. Proffitt, T. Smith, D. Soderblom 2011,
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: On-Orbit Instrument Performance",
Ap&SS (in press) 2011
- Green, J.C. 2000,
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., 4013, p. 352
- Green, J.C., Morse, J.A., Andrews, J.P., Wilkinson, E., Siegmund, O.H.W., Ebbets, D. 1999,
"Performance of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph for the
Hubble Space Telescope",
in Ultraviolet-Optical Space Astronomy Beyond HST conference proceedings,
eds J. A. Morse, J. M. Shull, A. L. Kinney,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 164, p. 176-181
- Morse, J.A., et al. 1998,
"Performance overview and science goals of the Cosmic
Origins Spectrograph for the Hubble Space Telescope",
Procedings SPIE, 3356, p. 361-368
- Green, J.C. 1998,
"Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: a Hubble replacement
instrument for the 2002 reservicing mission",
Proceedings SPIE, 3356, p. 265-270
- Green, J.C., Morse, J.A., the COS Instrument Definition Team 1997,
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: A 2002 Replacement
Instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope",
Ultraviolet Astrophysics, Beyond the IUE Final Archive, eds. W. Wamsteker,
R. Gonzalez Riestra, B. Harris, ESA SP-413, p. 805-808
- Smith, T. Ed; Keyes, C. D.; Sahnow, D. J.; Green, J. C.; COS/STIS STScI team; COS IDT team, 2008
"Initial On-Orbit Calibration of the Cosmic Origins
Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope",
American Astronomical Society, Vol 40, p. 223
- Froning, Cynthia S.; Green, James C, 2008
"The cosmic origins spectrograph: capabilities and prelaunch performance",
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008Ap&SS.tmp...40F
- Keyes, Charles D.; Sahnow, D. J., 2008
"Optimizing Observations with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, Vol. 39, p. 972
- Froning, Cynthia S.; Green, J. C.; Osterman, S.; COS Science Team, 2008
"Scientific Observations With the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, Vol. 39, p. 972
- Ake, Thomas B., III; Penton, S.; Sahnow, D.; McPhate, J.; Vallerga, J.; COS/STIS STScI Team; COS IDT Team, 2008
"Flat Fields for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #212, Vol. 40, p. 223
- Osterman, Steve; Green, J.; Froning, C.; Aloisi, A.; Béland, S.; Delker, T.; Friedman, S.; Hartig, G.; Keyes, T.;
McPhate, J.; Penton, S.; Siegmund, O. H. W.; Soderblom, D.; Sahnow, D, 2008
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph: Instrument Design and Performance",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, Vol. 39, p. 972
- Wilkinson, Erik; Béland, Stephane; Froning, Cynthia S.; Green, James C.; Osterman, Steven N.; Penton, Steven V.;
Delker, Thomas; Ebbets, Dennis; Martin, Adrian; McPhate, Jason; Vallerga, John V.; Friedman, Scott D.; Hartig, George;
Keyes, Charles; Leitherer, Claus; Sembach, Kenneth; Sahnow, David J., 2003
"Preliminary calibration results for the HST/cosmic origins spectrograph",
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5164, pp. 93-99 (2003)
- Green, James C.; Wilkinson, Erik; Morse, Jon A., 2003
"Status and performance of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5164, pp. 17-23 (2003)
- Wilkinson, E.; Béland, S.; Brownsberger, K.; Froning, C. S.; Green, J. C.; Herczeg, G.; Morse, J.; Osterman, S. N.;
Penton, S. V.; Bohlin, R.; Friedman, S. F.; Hartig, G.; Keyes, C.; Leitherer, C.; Sembach, K.; Sahnow, D. J.; McPhate, J.;
Vallerga, J. V.; Delker, T.; Ebbets, D., 2003
"Final Ground Calibration Results for the HST Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #203, Vol. 35, p. 1279
- Green, James C.; Wilkinson, Erik; Morse, Jon A., 2003,
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4854, pp. 72-80 (2003)
- Green, J. C.; Morse, J. A., 2002
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #200, Vol. 34, p. 747
- Penton, S. V.; Béland, S.; Wilkinson, E., 2002
"Calibration Status of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Detectors",
The 2002 HST Calibration Workshop: Space Telescope Science Institute, 2002., p.390
- Green, J., 2000
"Status Report on the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #197, Vol. 32, p. 1421 (2000)
- Green, J. C.; Morse, J. A., 1999
"Progress Report on the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #195, Vol. 31, p. 1512 (1999)
- Morse, J. A.; Green, J. C.; COS Id Team, 1997
"Science Goals of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph for HST",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #191, Vol. 29, p. 1269 (1997)
- Heap, S. R.; The COS Team, 1997
"New for HST 2002: the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
AIP Conference Proceedings, v.408., p.497 (1997)
- Ghavamian, Parviz; Keyes, T.; Shaw, B.; Soderblom, D.; Friedman, S.; COS/STIS STScI Team; COS IDT Team, 2008
"COS Target Acquisition Guidelines and Bright Object Protection Rules",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #212, Vol. 40, p. 223 (2008)
- Hodge, Philip E.; Kaiser, M. E.; Keyes, C. D.; Ake, T. B.; Aloisi, A.; Friedman, S. D.; Oliveira, C. M.; Shaw, B.;
Sahnow, D. J.; Penton, S. V.; Froning, C. S.; Béland, S.; Osterman, S.; Green, J.; COS/STIS STScI Team; IDT, COS (2008)
"The COS Calibration Pipeline",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #212, Vol. 40, p. 223 (2008)
- Shaw, Brittany L.; Friedman, S.; Keyes, T.; Soderblom, D., 2007
"COS Target Acquisition Guidelines and Bright Object Protection Rules",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, Vol. 39, p. 972 (2007)
- Soderblom, David R.; Friedman, S.; Keyes, T.; Shaw, B., 2007
"COS in One Orbit",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #202, Vol. 38, p. 195 (2007)
- Hodge, P. E., 2005
"Concurrent Science and Wavecal COS Data",
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347 (2004)
- Hodge, P. E., 2003
"Calibration of COS data at STScI",
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII ASP Conference Series, Vol. 295 (2003)
COS Hardware Related Papers:
- Wilkinson, E., Penton, S., Béland, S., Vallerga, J., McPhate, J., Sahnow, D., 2001
"Algorithm for correcting Geometric Distortions in Delay Line Anodes",
SPIE, 46th Annual Meeting on Optical Science and Technology
- Vallerga, J., McPhate, J., Martin, A., Gaines, G., Siegmund, O., Wilkinson, E.,
Penton, S., Béland, S., 2001
"The HST-COS Far Ultraviolet Detector: Final Ground Calibration",
SPIE, 46th Annual Meeting on Optical Science and Technology
- Osterman, S. N., Wilkinson, E., Green, J. C., Redman, K. W. 2001,
"Cosmic Origins Spectrograph FUV grating performance",
SPIE, 46th Annual Meeting on Optical Science and Technology
- Osterman, S. N., Wilkinson, E., Green, J. C., Redman, K. W. 2000,
"FUV grating performance for the Cosmic
Origins Spectrograph",
Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., 4013, p. 360
- Vallerga, J.H., McPhate, J.B., 2000,
"Optimization of the Readout Electronics for
Microchannel Plate Delay Line Anodes",
Proceedings SPIE, 4139, p. TBD
- McPhate, J.B., Siegmung, O.H., Gaines, G., Vallerga, J.H., Hull, J. 2000,
"The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph FUV Detector",
Proceedings SPIE, 4139, p. TBD
- Vallerga, J., Zaninovich, J., Welsh, B., Siegmund, O., McPhate, J., Hull, J.,
Gaines, G., Buzasi, D. 1999
"The FUV detector for the Cosmic Origins
Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope",
5th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors, University College, London,
Sept. 13 1999, to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 2000
- Lemaitre, Gerard R.; Duban, Michel, 2003,
"Corrected grating recording by active optics compensator: case of the HST Cosmic
Origins Spectrograph",
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4854, pp. 447-456 (2003)
- Duban, M.; Dohlen, Kjetil; Lemaitre, Gerard R., 1998,
"HST Cosmic Origin Spectrograph: a multimode deformable plane mirror for recording
upgraded resolution concave gratings",
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 3356, pp. 963-966 (1998)
- Béland, S.; Penton, S. V., 2000,
"In Preparation for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #197, Vol. 33, p.724 (2000)
- Béland, S.; Penton, S. V., 2006,
"Correcting for the Geometric Distortions on the COS FUV Detector",
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006., p.339 (2006)
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