Select Refereed Journal Articles :
(25) The MUSCLES Treasury Survey I: Motivation and Overview (France, Loyd, Youngblood, et al.), ApJ, v820, astro-ph, 2016
(24) CHISL: The Combined High- resolution and Imaging Spectrograph for the LUVOIR Surveyor (France, Fleming, and Hoadley), JATIS, v2(4), astro-ph, 2016
(23) The Evolution of Inner Disk Gas in Transition Disks (Hoadley, France, Alexander, McJunkin, and Schneider), ApJ, v812, astro-ph, 2015
(22) CO/H2 Abundance Ratio ~ 10^{-4} in a Protoplanetary Disk (France, Herczeg, McJunkin, and Penton), ApJ, v794, astro-ph, 2014
(21) Fluctuations and Flares in the Ultraviolet Line Emission of Cool Stars: Implications for Exoplanet Transit Observations (Loyd & France), ApJS, v211, astro-ph, 2014
(20) Direct Measurement of Interstellar Extinction toward Young Stars Using Atomic Hydrogen Lyalpha Absorption (McJunkin, France, Schneider, Herczeg, et al.), ApJ, v780, astro-ph, 2014
(19) H2 Excitation Structure on the Sightlines to delta Scorpii and zeta Ophiuci: First Results from the Sub-orbital Local Interstellar Cloud Experiment (France, Nell, Kane, et al.), ApJL, v772, astro-ph, 2013
(18) The Ultraviolet Radiation Environment Around M dwarf Exoplanet Host Stars (France, Froning, Linsky, Roberge, et al.), ApJ, v764, astro-ph, 2013
(17) A Hubble Space Telescope Survey of H2 Emission in the Circumstellar Environments of Young Stars (France, Schindhelm, Herczeg, et al.), ApJ, v756, astro-ph, 2012
(16) Ly-alpha Dominance of the Classical T Tauri Far-ultraviolet Radiation Field (Schindhelm, France, Herczeg, Bergin, et al.), ApJL, v756, astro-ph, 2012
(15) Characterizing CO Fourth Positive Emission in Young Circumstellar Disks (Schindhelm, France, Burgh, Herczeg, et al.), ApJ, v746, astro-ph, 2012
(14) HST-COS Observations of H, He, C, and N Emission from the SN 1987A Reverse Shock (France, McCray, Penton, Kirshner, et al.), ApJ, v743, astro-ph, 2011
(13) The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (Green, ..., France, ... et al.), ApJ, v744, astro-ph, 2012
(12) The Far-UV "Continuum" in Protoplanetary Disk Systems II: CO Fourth Positive Emission and Absorption (France, Schindhelm, Burgh, Herczeg, et al.), ApJ, v733 astro-ph, 2011
(11) Spitzer Mapping of PAHs and H2 in Photodissociation Regions (Fleming, France, Lupu, and McCandliss), ApJ, 725 astro-ph, 2010
(10) Observing SN1987A with the Refurbished Hubble Space Telescope (France, McCray, Heng, Kirshner, et al.), Science, v329 astro-ph, 2010
(9) Hubble/COS Observations of the Quasar HE2347-4243: Probing the Epoch of HeII Patchy Reionization at Redshifts z = 2.4 - 2.9 (Shull, France, Danforth, Smith, and Tumlinson), ApJ, v722 astro-ph, 2010
(8) Observations of Mass Loss from the Transiting Exoplanet HD 209458b (Linsky, Yang, France, Froning, Green, Stocke, and Osterman), ApJ, v717 astro-ph, 2010
(7) Metal Depletion and Warm H2 in the Brown Dwarf 2M1207 Accretion Disk (France, Linsky, Brown, Froning, and Beland), ApJ, v715 astro-ph, 2010
(6) Far-Ultraviolet Sensitivity of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (McCandliss, France, Osterman, Green, McPhate, and Wilkinson), ApJL, v709 - astro-ph, 2010
(5) A Low-Mass H2 Component to the AU Microscopii Circumstellar Disk
(France, Roberge, Lupu, Redfield, and Feldman), ApJ, v668,
astro-ph, 2007
(4) A Cometary Bow Shock and Mid-Infrared Emission Variations Revealed in
Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of HD 34078 and IC 405
(France, McCandliss, and Lupu), ApJ, v656, astro-ph,
(3) Direct Measurement of the Ratio of Carbon Monoxide to Molecular Hydrogen in the Diffuse Interstellar
Medium (Burgh, France, and McCandliss), ApJ, v658, astro-ph,
(2) Fluorescent Molecular Hydrogen in IC 63: FUSE, HUT, and Rocket Observations
(France, Andersson, McCandliss, and Feldman),
ApJ, v628 - astro-ph, 2005
(1) Rocket and FUSE Observations of IC 405: Differential Extinction
and Fluorescent Molecular Hydrogen (France, McCandliss,
Burgh, and Feldman), ApJ, v616 - astro-ph, 2004
Select Conference Proceedings:
Flight Performance and First Results from the Sub-orbital Local Interstellar Cloud Experiment (SLICE) - SPIE, Aug 2013
Development of the Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) - SPIE, July 2012
HST-COS observations of the transiting extrasolar planetary system HD 209458b - The Ultraviolet Universe, June 2010
Far-Ultraviolet Studies of H2 in Photodissociation Regions - Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, October 2008
Cold Dust Emission and Extinction Correlations in BLAST Observations of IC 5146 - The Evolving ISM
in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies, December 2007
Molecular Hydrogen Fluorescence in IC 63 - Astrophysics in the Far-UV, August
2004 ASP PDF
Lyman Continuum Explorer Mission Concept - Astrophysics in the Far-UV, August
2004 astro-ph
FORTIS: Lyman Continuum Pathfinder - SPIE, June 2004 astro-ph
Long Slit Dual Order Spectrograph - SPIE, August 2002 ADS, PDF
Windowless Ultraviolet Collimator - SPIE, July 2001 ADS, PDF
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