CTTS FUV High-Resolution Far-UV Radiation Fields of Classical T Tauri Stars Contact: Kevin France kevin.france "at" colorado.edu |
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Spectral Energy Distributions: We find that the flux of the typical Classical T Tauri Star FUV radiation field at 1 AU from the central star is ~ 10^{7} times the average interstellar radiation field. The Ly-alpha emission line contributes an average of 88% of the total FUV flux, with the FUV continuum accounting for an average of 8%. On average, only ~0.5 % of the total FUV flux is emitted between the Lyman limit (912~Ang) and the H2 (0-0) absorption band at 1110 Ang.
FUV - optical spectrum of RY Lup (912 - 5700 Ang), presented in Arulanantham et al. (2018). This README file describes the preparation of this panchromatic SED.
This second grid of spectra are the FUV-only spectra described in France et al. (2014). Acknowledgement: If you download and use the CTTS FUV spectra for scientific analysis, we request that you cite France et al. 2014 (placeholder; 2014 CTTS FUV paper under review) and include something similar to the following brief ackowledgement: "This work has made use of the CTTS FUV high-resolution ultraviolet radiation field database."
The CTTS FUV website is hosted by the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy, University of Colorado. The disk image above was taken from an ESO press release.