age = 8 ± 1 Gyr
HZ = .22 AU
z = -.33 ~ -0.135
1150 - 3100 A
COS coadd
Full Spectrum and Quiet Sun Comparison
Lyman Alpha Reconstruction
CIV Velocity profiles
Texp vs. count rate: CIV, HeII, background and MCP background vs CIV count rate
Planetary System:
GJ 581b - M = 15.9 M⊕, a = .041 AU
GJ 581c - M = 5.4 M⊕, a = .073 AU
GJ 581d - M = 6 M⊕, a = .22 AU
GJ 581e - M = 1.9 M⊕, a = .028 AU