TAACOS - Target Acquisition Analysis for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

TAACOS simulates the Target Acquisition (TA) algorithm currently baselined for COS Instrument. As TA for COS uses "dispersed light", simulating the TA algorithm requires simulating the spectra at the detector for a variety of optics configurations, target locations within the PSA, and various types of target spectra. Two phases of TA simulation are currently basedlined - a quick implementation (called Phase I), to verify as soon as possible the viability of the COS TA sequence; and a more thorough simulation (called Phase II), to examine in greater detail the TA process, and the resulting estimates for efficient timing, stepsizes, and the impact on the TA process as a function of different optics, apertures and target sources.

Preliminary results for the predicted spectra of the HST/COS/FUV G130M,G160M, & G140L configurations are now available. Photons are ray-traced to the detector plane and blurred by a ~ 25 mm radial Gaussian distribution. The target spectrum is the FOS composite QSO spectrum which has been

The extracted spectrum has been: G130M Trials are available for exposure times of : G160M Trials are available for exposure times of : G140L Trials are available for exposure times of :

For these simulations, Dennis Ebbet's wavelength dependent sensitivity curves of 1/27/00 were used.

** The COS sensitivities have been updated, new simulations are currently being prepared **

Simulations are also available for the PtNe Wavlength Calibration Lamp.
Simulated photon lists for a 1 CVZ orbit (96 minute) of a Fl = 1E-15 ergs/cm2/s/A QSO are now available IDL savefiles:
*NEW* FUV and NUV detector cheatsheets have been updated with current gratings, sensitivies, and 6x25 micron FUV pixels sizes (3/26/02)

FUV Detector cheatsheets are now available for both daytime :

and nighttime NUV Dectector cheatsheets are also now available for both daytime :

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Mail comments to Ken.Brownsberger@Colorado.EDU