Dec 17, 2002 Here are the COS geometrically corrected ground flatfield images for the FUV01 and FUV02 detectors. Each file is an IDL savefile with three variables EXT_HEADER STRING = Array[105] FF_FILES STRING = Array[108] MIMAGE UINT = Array[16001, 601] EXT_HEADER is an example FITS header from one of the FF_FILES flatfields, which have beem merged into MIMAGE. ------------------ January 16, 2003 The following files, FUV01_A_pfull.png FUV01_B_pfull.png are linearly scaled, thermally and geometrically corrected flatfield images. These images have been compressed by a factor of 4 in the dispersion direction to achieve the correct physical scales. Defects at the edges are due to poor geometric correction. The file FUV01_A_residual.png show the residuals after dividing the first half of the flatfield dataset (~60 images) by the other half for each detector for ~25% of the detector length. These images indicating that the features seen in the flatfield images are indeed fixed pattern noise, and therefore should be removable in the calibration process. -------------------