CEDAR is the Cos Evaluation, Data Analysis and aRchive. The package has a series of GUI tools written in IDL. This directory contains the files required to run CEDAR. The latest CEDAR IDL source code is in the CEDAR_??????.tar.gz file. Now at Version 6.8 (2009/04/30) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The astron library is provided here for convenience but the latest version should be obtained from the official web site. http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/homepage.html The INSTALL.txt file desribes the installation steps. The REFERENCE directory contains the REFERENCE files CEDAR needs to read/convert COS data. All of these files are already included in the CEDAR_*.tar.gz files above. The CEDAR_HELP is fairly old by now (3 years) and will be updated as time permits. If you have any questions or difficulties accesssing these files, contact me at: sbeland@colorado.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with version 6.5 (March 4, 2009), CEDAR was modified to be able to run in the IDL Virtual Machine. This allows people who may not have an IDL license to still be able to run CEDAR, although no IDL prompt is available. The IDL Virtual Machine is available for free from ITTVis and can be downloaded at: http://www.ittvis.com The pre-compiled versions of CEDAR and the COS_VIEWER are available either as IDL save files (*.sav) or as complete stand alone packages for both Mac OS X and Windows. The IDL save file is much smaller and is the prefred type if you already have an IDL Virtual Machine installation. The complete package is much larger as it contains all of the IDL libraries to run the program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with version 6.0 (Sept 5, 2008), CEDAR wil handle fits file with either USERCOORD or DETECTOR coordinate system. The USERCOORD system was introduce by STScI to standardize the dispersion and cross-dispertsion axis of COS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with version 5.0 (July 31, 2006), CEDAR supports the raw SDI files on intel based machines (Windows and Mac intel). P.S. The file cosdb.tar.gz contains a database of all the files obtained during Thermal-Vacuum tests in 2003 and 2006. To use the database: 1) expand the file in a directory 2) use the Properties window in CEDAR to select the directory where the database resides (CEDAR_DB_PATH) and which database to access (CEDAR_DB_NAME). 3) The DataBase window in CEDAR will allow the user to query all of the FITS keywords and most telemetry items and to display the result in a list of filenames which can then be Viewed directly using one of the standard viewers. 4) To display the data, the database expects the files to reside in the CEDAR_DB_PATH directory in either COS_Data_2003 or COS_Data_2006. Nake the appropriate symbolic links to where the data actually resides for viewing the data directly from the database.