$Id: README_CASA,v 1.1 2002/01/17 19:32:51 sbeland Exp $ This file describes the installation process for CEDAR. CEDAR is used for quick look and analysis of COS data. It is entirely written in IDL and requires at least version 5.2 of IDL (uses new IDL data types). It has been tested on a UNIX (Solaris) and MacOS platform only at this time. CEDAR is composed of a number of tools and viewers to look at COS data in either RAW or FITS format. It has a built-in database to keep track of images available according to FITS keyword values. It comes with on-line help in the form of HTML pages which can be called from the CEDAR help button. The following instructions are for people at CASA only. The software is installed in a common directory. Copy these files to a directory already defined in your path (such as ~/bin): cp ~sbeland/CEDAR/cedar ~/bin cp ~sbeland/CEDAR/cedar.def ~/bin The first file is the script that will start idl and cedar. The second file is used to store your personal preferences for the program (default directories where data can be found etc.) Edit both files (cedar and cedar.def) and change path to CEDAR_DEF_FILE to point to the new location. Nothing else in the file "cedar" should need to be changed. Edit the file cedar.def and change the default environment variables to point to your favorite directories. The following should not change: CEDAR_PATH CEDAR_HELP_PATH CEDAR_DB_NAME CEDAR_DB_PATH ZDBASE Make the file "cedar" executable: chmod +x ~/bin/cedar You should now be able to start CEDAR from the UNIX command line from any directory by typing: cedar If you have any problems/questions let me know: Stephane Beland (303) 492-3657 sbeland@colorado.edu