$Id: INSTALL.txt,v 1.4 2008/09/05 21:55:55 sbeland Exp $ This file describes the installation process for CEDAR. CEDAR is used for quick look and analysis of COS data. It is entirely written in IDL and requires at least version 5.6 of IDL (uses new IDL data types). It has been tested on a UNIX (Solaris), MacOS (9 and X) and Windows 2000 platforms at this time. CEDAR is composed of a number of tools and viewers to look at COS data in either RAW or FITS format. It has a built-in database to keep track of images available according to FITS keyword values. It comes with on-line help in the form of HTML pages which can be called from the CEDAR help button. The complete distribution is included in four files: README this file CEDAR_??????.tar.gz IDL source code CEDAR_HELP.tar.gz HTML help files ASTRON.tar.gz IDL Astronomy Library cedar.sav the latest IDL Save file for CEDAR NOTE: There are still problems reading RAW (SDI) data under the Windows platform. Windows users should ONLY use FITS files at this time. Follow these steps to install CEDAR on a UNIX machine (including MacOSX): ========================================================================= Single user installation ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) Create a new directory where CEDAR will reside [ ~/CEDAR ] 2) Move the CEDAR_??????.tar.gz file in this directory 3) run the command "gunzip CEDAR.tar.gz" 4) run the command "tar xvf CEDAR.tar" 5.1) if this is a new installation - copy the file "cedar.dist" to "cedar" and change the environment variables: CEDAR_PATH: points to the directory where CEDAR is installed ASTRON: points to the directory where ASTRON library is installed IDL_DIR: points to the directory where IDL is installed 5.2) if installing over an existing installation - edit the file "cedar" and add/delete any difference from the distributed file "cedar.dist" 6.1) if this is a new installation: - copy the file "cedar.def.dist" to "cedar.def" - edit the file "cedar.def" and set the environment variables CEDAR_DEF_FILE: points to your own copy of the file cedar.def in $CEDAR_PATH CEDAR_PATH: points to where CEDAR is installed CEDAR_HELP_PATH: points to where the CEDAR helps files are others: points to where your PREFERED data directories are 6.2) if installing over an existing installation: - edit the file cedar.def and add/delete any difference from the distributed file cedar.def.dist 7.1) if this is a new installation: - copy the file "cos_idl_startup.pro.dist" to "cos_idl_startup.pro" - edit the file "cos_idl_startup.pro" and set the environment variable CEDAR_DEF_FILE to point to the file "ceda.def" from step 6 above 7.2) if installing over an existing installation: - edit the file cos_idl_startup.pro and add/delete any difference from the distributed file cos_idl_startup.pro.dist Follow these steps to install CEDAR_HELP locally: ------------------------------------------------ 8) Move the file CEDAR_HELP.tar.gz in the CEDAR_PATH directory 9) gunzip CEDAR_HELP.tar.gz 10) run the command "tar xvf CEDAR_HELP.tar", a "help" directory will be created containing all the html files Follow these steps to install the IDL Astronomy Library: ------------------------------------------------------- Note: If the library is already installed on your system, you can skip these steps. Make sure the ASTRON variable in the file "cedar" points to the directory where they are located. 1) Create a directory where the library will be installed 2) Move the file ASTRON.tar.gz to this directory 3) run the command "gunzip ASTRON.tar.gz" 4) run the command "tar xvf ASTRON.tar" the library will be installed in the subdirectory "astron" Server Installation +++++++++++++++++++ 1) Select a directory where to install CEDAR and follow the steps above for a single user installation (including editing the files "cedar" and "cedar.def"). 2) create a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/mkcedar to mkcedar in the installation directory 3) edit the mkcedar file and change the variable "cedar" to point to the directory where CEDAR was installed. 4) new users wanting to start CEDAR need to first run "mkcedar" This shell script will copy the files cedar, cedar.def and cos_idl_startup.pro in the user's ~/bin directory. This allows each user to have and keep their own CEDAR preferences. 5) new users should review and edit the cedar default paths defined if the files copied to their ~/bin directory. 6) assuming that the new user has ~/bin in his PATH, simply typing "cedar" from any where will start IDL and CEDAR Follow these steps to install CEDAR on a WINDOWS NT/2000/XP machine with IDL installed: ====================================================================================== 1) Download the CEDAR_*.tar.gz file in a temporary directory. 2) Extract all the files (with the directory structure) in a CEDAR directory (for example C:\CEDAR). 3) Add the CEDAR directory to the IDL search PATH (Under File->Preferences->Path) (make sure to also select CEDAR's subdirectory by checking the box). 4) Copy the CEDAR Defaults file cedar.def.dist to cedar.def and edit that file to reflect your preferences for the various data directory that CEDAR will use. These can be changed and saved using the "Properties" routine within CEDAR. 5) Add the following line to your IDL startup file (or create a new one with that line in it), to point to the newly created/edited defaults file: setenv,'CEDAR_DEF_FILE=C:\CEDAR\cedar.def' 6) To run CEDAR, start IDL and type "cedar" at the prompt. For help/problem reports contact: Stephane Beland Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy Universite of Colorado - Boulder sbeland@casa.colorado.edu